Friday 12 June 2015


Hi everyone! Long time no speak, woops...
I really do enjoy blogging, I read every single blog post that appears on my blog lovin' feed but I just don't ever have the time to sit down and write a post that will actually make sense. It's sad, really, because this is my only hobby but I never have the time! :( 
Everything's been going on lately, things which I needed to focus more so on. I've finally finished my AS level exams, which means I've only got one more year left in education, woohoo! I won't be going to university after I finish my A levels because I simply haven't made up my mind yet (blog post on that soon... Maybe?) Now I've finished all of my exams, sixth form is now piling us up with work ready for next years exams, as if we hadn't done enough already! 
I really hope I can get back into blogging, I just need some motivation and time haha!

Have you had any exams lately?
Lucy x

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