Friday, 1 November 2013

Halloween make up!

Well that was all over a bit too quickly! It seems like Halloween just flew by, but I did get plenty of sweets so I'm happy. 

Today I'm just going to share with you what I did with my make up. I am subscribed to Polly on YouTube and she was doing a week of Halloween make-up/nail tutorials. The one that I absolutely loved was her Zombie style look so I attempted it! It took me no time at all and all you need was a red lipstick and brown+black eye shadow! simple :)

If you want to give this look a go then you can go and watch Polly's video here

All I wore with this was some leggings and a wide-neck top, then just put a coat over the top!:)

What did you go as for Halloween? 
Lots of Love, Lucy x


  1. I like this look for Halloween. You look really good, especially the eye make-up. I went as a doll this year.


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