Saturday, 19 October 2013

Miss Sporty Liquid Concealer Review

This was the first concealer I've ever purchased. I've never had really dark circles under my eyes so I didn't feel the need to have a concealer because my foundation would cover it. 

But then I ventured out and got one because I wanted to see how good they are. I went to superdrug and tried to find the cheapest concealer as I didn't really need it, it was just so I could give it ago. So I saw this Miss Sporty one for £1.79 but when I got to the till it was £2.99, false labeling much?! I got it in the shade "light" as this suited my skin best. 

Anyway, on to the actual product. Does it do what a concealer should? Yes I suppose it does, it covered under my eyes and any blemishes I had well. The one thing I didn't really like was how it made my eye area look. It seemed to look cakey and it sat in any fine lines under my eyes which is not attractive. 

Bottom line is, it covers any imperfections well but while doing so it looks very cakey and not attractive. So I will not be buying this product again :(

If you have any concealers that you recommend let me know because I know need a new, good one! 

Lots of love, Lucy x


  1. I recommend Revlon's concealers. Really excellent stuff!

    - Kate (

  2. Collections long lasting concealor is absolutely amazing! It does last for ages without sliding off your face and it doesn't look 'cakey' as a lot do! Lots of love, lauryn from P.s thanks for the bloglovin follow, I followed back:) xxx

  3. yeah that's on my Christmas list!!:) thank you :) xx


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