Monday, 10 February 2014

Say hello!

So as i'm sitting here on a chilly Monday night, in my onesie, drinking a cup of tea and flicking through bloglovin' reading some posts, I start to think about blogging as a whole. It's a strange concept really, isn't it? You write your thoughts and feelings onto a webpage then other people read it, and they may even get some inspiration out of it or go out to buy the product you recommended. The blogging community is such a lovely thing to be involved in, and I feel so privileged that people accept me into that community. People actually take time out to write lovely comments on some of my posts, follow my blog and just listen to me. 

I've spoken to some really great people, whether it be via email, instagram or just on comments. Every time I get an email I get so excited because it's more or less always about something to do with my blog. But I wouldn't go so far in saying that I've made some real close friends, sure I've spoken to some people but it's never been much more than a quick chat. I really want to change this. So many people in the blogging community make lifetime friendships out of doing what they do, and I would love that too! I'd love to be able to speak to people who have a blog too, I don't really have a friend who I can talk about my one main passion which is beauty, so meeting someone who has a blog too will be an opportunity to do this. Nobody really knows about my blog (post on that coming your way soon) so speaking to someone with a blog could be really beneficial. 

I'd absolutely be over the moon if I made a lifelong friend through blogging, one of my main hobbies and there's a chance to make some friends out of it - bonus! I'm always checking my e-mails so if anyone would like to get in touch then please do (, I promise you I don't bite haha! I love looking through instagram pictures too so if you want me to follow you then follow me on "makeupyourmindblog". 

Lots of love, Lucy x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lucy. Great post. It is so lovely that we can all make new friends through out the world of blogging xx


Thank you so much for commenting on my blog, I love reading every single one of them! Don't forget to check me out on bloglovin', I will follow you all back, links on the side bar :) xx