Thursday, 30 January 2014

Valentine's day gift guide: For her

Soon enough the day's going to approach when the singletons feel lonely and the loved up ones become even more loved up. Yes, it's nearly Valentine's Day. The 14th of February is fast approaching and sometimes it's difficult to find that perfect gift for that special someone. Today i'm going to share with you a few gift ideas for that one girl in your life.

Fragrance Gift Sets
There are so many different gift sets on the market nowadays. They're the perfect gift for someone. I'd absolutely love to open one of these from a loved one. You can find some really lovely sets cheaper on websites such as

Simple yet effective. There are so many different pieces of jewellery available, nearly all of it is perfect for an occasion such as Valentine's Day. Pieces that stand out from the rest would be anything related to "love". Things such as infinity rings or necklaces, or if they have a Pandora bracelet then you can buy them a charm to do with love at the Pandora Website.

Make up
By this, I don't just mean any old random piece of make up. If they are the sort of girl that is obsessed with make up, keep a mental note of the things they are lusting over but just can't bring their selves to buy it. It would mean so much to them that you've remembered little things like this. 
(usually this will be an expensive product, don't freak out that people spend that much money on one thing!)

If they love to relax then a candle is a perfect thing to add to any situation. There are so many candles on the market but ones I will recommend would be Yankee Candles as they look so lovely on the side of any girls vanity.

Simple, thoughtful things
The average things that people think don't mean anything, which clearly do! Such as: a box of chocolates, breakfast in bed, a nice bottle of bubbly and cooking a romantic dinner for the two of you. You don't have to spend a load of money to have a good day with the one you love.

These are just a few things which I think are appropriate for Valentine's Day. What are you getting your loved one this year?


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