2014 was a whirlwind of a year. I had many struggles to face but also had plenty of uplifts which got me back on my feet again.
February saw my 16th birthday
April I met and started going out with my boyfriend who I am thankfully still with.
May I started my dreaded GCSE exams so was more focused on them than anything.
June I finally finished the exams (hooray!!)
July I had my prom which wasn't as good as everyone had hoped.
August was GCSE results day (read about my results here)
September I started Sixth form which has been the most life changing experience, the jump in workload is mental!
October I started my very first Job where I was a Christmas Temporary.
November.. Nothing too exciting.
December was Christmas, I had a wonderful Christmas and I also found out that I am being kept on for a year in my job, woohoo!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all a happy new year!
Lucy x