Friday, 12 June 2015


Hi everyone! Long time no speak, woops...
I really do enjoy blogging, I read every single blog post that appears on my blog lovin' feed but I just don't ever have the time to sit down and write a post that will actually make sense. It's sad, really, because this is my only hobby but I never have the time! :( 
Everything's been going on lately, things which I needed to focus more so on. I've finally finished my AS level exams, which means I've only got one more year left in education, woohoo! I won't be going to university after I finish my A levels because I simply haven't made up my mind yet (blog post on that soon... Maybe?) Now I've finished all of my exams, sixth form is now piling us up with work ready for next years exams, as if we hadn't done enough already! 
I really hope I can get back into blogging, I just need some motivation and time haha!

Have you had any exams lately?
Lucy x

Monday, 16 March 2015

Learning to drive

As I recently turned 17, I have started to learn to drive! I've had 3 lessons to far (3 hours of driving) and so far I looooove it. It's such a surreal experience. I just thought I'd write a post and keep you all updated on my progress. I'm thinking about writing a post after every 3 hours of driving? Let me know what you think!

I had my first lesson on the 23rd February, 3 days after my birthday. I didn't have a clue what to expect because I'd never drove a care before. My driving instructor picked me up from school, where she then drove me to a housing estate. During this lesson, I learnt how to get the biting point between the clutch and accelerator and I also drove around the estate a few times. I learnt how to pull away from a kerb and how to pull back in. After this, I then drove home. It was only about a 3 minute drive back to my house but it was so strange being on a main road with other care users!

I had my next lesson the week later, where she again picked me up from school and drove me to the same housing estate. From here, I drove around 2 or 3 times to get me used to driving again. We then pulled out onto the main road where I then drove about 5 miles to a quite village. I drove around the village through the small back roads then back home again. Throughout the whole lesson, I reckon that I drove 12 miles - crazy!

On my last lesson, I drove myself out of school and through the town in which I live in. I drove to a different housing estate where I pulled over and she spoke through what to do when I arrive at a junction. She went through all of the different types of junction (who knew there were so many?). I then drove around and done what she said when pulling out of junctions. Finally, I drove back home!

I'm really enjoying driving so far, I've even booked my theory test!

I'd love to hear about if any of you are learning to drive, Lucy! x x

Monday, 5 January 2015

2014 Round Up

It honestly feels like I haven't sat down and wrote a blog post in about a year, turns out it's been 5 months, crazy! I miss blogging a lot so I hope that 2015 will be the year that I get back into it. I'm aiming for at least 1 post a month to ease me back into things. 

2014 was a whirlwind of a year. I had many struggles to face but also had plenty of uplifts which got me back on my feet again. 

February saw my 16th birthday
April I met and started going out with my boyfriend who I am thankfully still with.
May I started my dreaded GCSE exams so was more focused on them than anything.
June I finally finished the exams (hooray!!)
July I had my prom which wasn't as good as everyone had hoped.
August was GCSE results day (read about my results here)
September I started Sixth form which has been the most life changing experience, the jump in workload is mental! 
October I started my very first Job where I was a Christmas Temporary.
November.. Nothing too exciting.
December was Christmas, I had a wonderful Christmas and I also found out that I am being kept on for a year in my job, woohoo!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you all a happy new year! 
Lucy x